Biological Problems

time.TemporalProblem(adata, **kwargs)

Class for analyzing time-series single cell data based on [Schiebinger et al., 2019].

time.LineageProblem(adata, **kwargs)

Estimator for modelling time series single cell data based on [Lange et al., 2023].

space.AlignmentProblem(adata, **kwargs)

Class for aligning spatial omics data, based on [Zeira et al., 2022].

space.MappingProblem(adata_sc, adata_sp)

Class for mapping single cell omics data onto spatial data, based on [Nitzan et al., 2019].

spatiotemporal.SpatioTemporalProblem(adata, ...)

Class for analyzing time series spatial single-cell data.

cross_modality.TranslationProblem(adata_src, ...)

Class for integrating single-cell multi-omics data, based on [Demetci et al., 2022].

Generic Problems

generic.SinkhornProblem(adata, **kwargs)

Class for solving a linear problem.

generic.GWProblem(adata, **kwargs)

Class for solving the GW or FGW problems.

generic.FGWProblem(adata, **kwargs)

Class for solving the FGW problem.