Source code for moscot.base.problems.birth_death

from typing import (

import numpy as np

import scanpy as sc
from anndata import AnnData

from moscot._logging import logger
from moscot._types import ArrayLike
from moscot.base.problems.problem import OTProblem
from import apoptosis_markers, proliferation_markers

__all__ = ["BirthDeathProblem", "BirthDeathMixin"]

class BirthDeathProtocol(Protocol):  # noqa: D101
    adata: AnnData
    proliferation_key: Optional[str]
    apoptosis_key: Optional[str]
    _proliferation_key: Optional[str]
    _apoptosis_key: Optional[str]
    _scaling: float
    _prior_growth: Optional[ArrayLike]

    def score_genes_for_marginals(  # noqa: D102
        self: "BirthDeathProtocol",
        gene_set_proliferation: Optional[Union[Literal["human", "mouse"], Sequence[str]]] = None,
        gene_set_apoptosis: Optional[Union[Literal["human", "mouse"], Sequence[str]]] = None,
        proliferation_key: str = "proliferation",
        apoptosis_key: str = "apoptosis",
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> "BirthDeathProtocol": ...

class BirthDeathProblemProtocol(BirthDeathProtocol, Protocol):  # noqa: D101
    delta: float
    adata_tgt: AnnData
    a: Optional[ArrayLike]
    b: Optional[ArrayLike]

[docs] class BirthDeathMixin: """Mixin class used to estimate cell proliferation and apoptosis. Parameters ---------- args Positional arguments. kwargs Keyword arguments. """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._proliferation_key: Optional[str] = None self._apoptosis_key: Optional[str] = None self._scaling: float = 1.0 self._prior_growth: Optional[ArrayLike] = None
[docs] def score_genes_for_marginals( self, # type: BirthDeathProblemProtocol gene_set_proliferation: Optional[Union[Literal["human", "mouse"], Sequence[str]]] = None, gene_set_apoptosis: Optional[Union[Literal["human", "mouse"], Sequence[str]]] = None, proliferation_key: str = "proliferation", apoptosis_key: str = "apoptosis", **kwargs: Any, ) -> "BirthDeathMixin": """Compute gene scores to obtain prior knowledge about proliferation and apoptosis. The gene scores can be used in :meth:`~moscot.base.problems.BirthDeathProblem.estimate_marginals` to estimate the initial growth rates as suggested in :cite:`schiebinger:19` Parameters ---------- gene_set_proliferation Set of proliferation marker genes. If a :class:`str`, it should correspond to the organism in :func:``. gene_set_apoptosis Set of apoptosis marker genes. If a :class:`str`, it should correspond to the organism in :func:``. proliferation_key Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where to store the proliferation scores. apoptosis_key Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where to store the apoptosis scores. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Returns self and updates the following fields: - :attr:`proliferation_key` - key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where proliferation scores are stored. - :attr:`apoptosis_key` - key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where apoptosis scores are stored. """ if isinstance(gene_set_proliferation, str): gene_set_proliferation = proliferation_markers(gene_set_proliferation) # type: ignore[arg-type] if gene_set_proliferation is not None:, gene_set_proliferation, score_name=proliferation_key, **kwargs) self.proliferation_key = proliferation_key else: self.proliferation_key = None if isinstance(gene_set_apoptosis, str): gene_set_apoptosis = apoptosis_markers(gene_set_apoptosis) # type: ignore[arg-type] if gene_set_apoptosis is not None:, gene_set_apoptosis, score_name=apoptosis_key, **kwargs) self.apoptosis_key = apoptosis_key else: self.apoptosis_key = None if self.proliferation_key is None and self.apoptosis_key is None: logger.warning( "At least one of `gene_set_proliferation` or `gene_set_apoptosis` must be provided to score genes." ) return self # type: ignore[return-value]
@property def proliferation_key(self) -> Optional[str]: """Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where cell proliferation is stored.""" return self._proliferation_key @proliferation_key.setter def proliferation_key(self: BirthDeathProtocol, key: Optional[str]) -> None: if key is not None and key not in self.adata.obs: raise KeyError(f"Unable to find proliferation data in `adata.obs[{key!r}]`.") self._proliferation_key = key @property def apoptosis_key(self) -> Optional[str]: """Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where cell apoptosis is stored.""" return self._apoptosis_key @apoptosis_key.setter def apoptosis_key(self: BirthDeathProtocol, key: Optional[str]) -> None: if key is not None and key not in self.adata.obs: raise KeyError(f"Unable to find apoptosis data in `adata.obs[{key!r}]`.") self._apoptosis_key = key
[docs] class BirthDeathProblem(BirthDeathMixin, OTProblem): """:term:`OT` problem used to estimate the :term:`marginals` with the `birth-death process <>`_. Parameters ---------- args Positional arguments for :class:`~moscot.base.problems.OTProblem`. kwargs Keyword arguments for :class:`~moscot.base.problems.OTProblem`. """ # noqa: D205
[docs] def estimate_marginals( self, # type: BirthDeathProblemProtocol adata: AnnData, source: bool, proliferation_key: Optional[str] = None, apoptosis_key: Optional[str] = None, scaling: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> ArrayLike: """Estimate the source or target :term:`marginals` based on marker genes, either with the `birth-death process <>`_, as suggested in :cite:`schiebinger:19`, or with an exponential kernel. See :meth:`score_genes_for_marginals` on how to compute the proliferation and apoptosis scores. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object. source Whether to estimate the source or the target :term:`marginals`. proliferation_key Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where proliferation scores are stored. apoptosis_key Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where apoptosis scores are stored. scaling A parameter for prior growth rate estimation. If :obj:`float` is passed, it will be used as a scaling parameter in an exponential kernel with proliferation and apoptosis scores. If :obj:`None`, parameters corresponding to the birth and death processes will be used. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:`~moscot.base.problems.birth_death.beta` and :func:``. Returns ------- The estimated source or target marginals of shape ``[n,]`` or ``[m,]``, depending on the ``source``. If ``source = True``, also updates the following fields: - :attr:`prior_growth_rates` - prior estimate of the source growth rates. Examples -------- - See :doc:`../notebooks/examples/problems/800_score_genes_for_marginals` on examples how to use :meth:`~moscot.problems.time.TemporalProblem.score_genes_for_marginals`. """ # noqa: D205 def estimate(key: Optional[str], *, fn: Callable[..., ArrayLike], **kwargs: Any) -> ArrayLike: if key is None: return np.zeros(adata.n_obs, dtype=float) try: return fn(adata.obs[key].values.astype(float), **kwargs) except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Unable to get data from `adata.obs[{key}!r]`.") from None if proliferation_key is None and apoptosis_key is None: raise ValueError("At least one of `proliferation_key` or `apoptosis_key` must be specified.") # TODO(michalk8): why does this need to be set? self.proliferation_key = proliferation_key self.apoptosis_key = apoptosis_key if scaling: beta_fn = delta_fn = lambda x, *_, **__: x else: beta_fn, delta_fn = beta, delta scaling = 1.0 birth = estimate(proliferation_key, fn=beta_fn, **kwargs) death = estimate(apoptosis_key, fn=delta_fn, **kwargs) prior_growth = np.exp((birth - death) * / scaling) scaling = np.sum(prior_growth) normalized_growth = prior_growth / scaling if source: self._scaling = scaling self._prior_growth = prior_growth return normalized_growth return np.full(self.adata_tgt.n_obs, fill_value=np.mean(normalized_growth))
@property def adata(self) -> AnnData: """Annotated data object.""" return self.adata_src @property def prior_growth_rates(self) -> Optional[ArrayLike]: """Prior estimate of the source growth rates.""" if self._prior_growth is None: return None return np.asarray(np.power(self._prior_growth, 1.0 / @property def posterior_growth_rates(self) -> Optional[ArrayLike]: """Posterior estimate of the source growth rates.""" if self.solution is None: return None if is None: return self.solution.a * self.adata.n_obs return np.asarray(self.solution.a * self._scaling) ** (1.0 / @property def delta(self) -> float: """Time difference between the source and the target.""" if TYPE_CHECKING: assert isinstance(self._src_key, float) assert isinstance(self._tgt_key, float) return self._tgt_key - self._src_key
def _logistic(x: ArrayLike, L: float, k: float, center: float = 0) -> ArrayLike: """Logistic function.""" return L / (1 + np.exp(-k * (x - center))) def _gen_logistic(p: ArrayLike, sup: float, inf: float, center: float, width: float) -> ArrayLike: """Shifted logistic function.""" return inf + _logistic(p, L=sup - inf, k=4.0 / width, center=center)
[docs] def beta( p: ArrayLike, beta_max: float = 1.7, beta_min: float = 0.3, beta_center: float = 0.25, beta_width: float = 0.5, **_: Any, ) -> ArrayLike: """Birth process.""" return _gen_logistic(p, beta_max, beta_min, beta_center, beta_width)
[docs] def delta( a: ArrayLike, delta_max: float = 1.7, delta_min: float = 0.3, delta_center: float = 0.1, delta_width: float = 0.2, **_: Any, ) -> ArrayLike: """Death process.""" return _gen_logistic(a, delta_max, delta_min, delta_center, delta_width)