Source code for moscot.datasets

import contextlib
import os
import pathlib
import pickle
import shutil
import tempfile
import urllib.request
from itertools import combinations
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Mapping, Optional, Tuple

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.linalg import block_diag

import anndata as ad
from anndata import AnnData
from scanpy import read

from moscot._types import PathLike

__all__ = [

[docs] def mosta( path: PathLike = "~/.cache/moscot/mosta.h5ad", force_download: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: # pragma: no cover """Preprocessed and extracted data as provided in :cite:`chen:22`. Includes embryo sections `E9.5`, `E2S1`, `E10.5`, `E2S1`, `E11.5`, `E1S2`. The :attr:`anndata.AnnData.X` is based on reprocessing of the counts data using :func:`scanpy.pp.normalize_total` and :func:`scanpy.pp.log1p`. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the file. force_download Whether to force-download the data. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object. """ return _load_dataset_from_url( path, backup_url="", expected_shape=(54134, 2000), force_download=force_download, **kwargs, )
[docs] def hspc( path: PathLike = "~/.cache/moscot/hspc.h5ad", force_download: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: # pragma: no cover """CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells from 4 healthy human donors. From the `NeurIPS Multimodal Single-Cell Integration Challenge <>`_. 4000 cells were randomly selected after filtering the multiome training data of the donor `31800`. Subsequently, the top 2000 highly variable genes were selected. Peaks appearing in less than 5% of the cells were filtered out, resulting in 11595 peaks. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the file. force_download Whether to force-download the data. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object. """ dataset = _load_dataset_from_url( path, backup_url="", expected_shape=(4000, 2000), force_download=force_download, **kwargs, ) dataset.obs["day"] = dataset.obs["day"].astype("category") # better solution to this? return dataset
[docs] def drosophila( path: PathLike = "~/.cache/moscot/drosophila.h5ad", *, spatial: bool, force_download: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: """Embryo of Drosophila melanogaster described in :cite:`Li-spatial:22`. Minimal pre-processing was performed, such as gene and cell filtering, as well as normalization. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the file. spatial Whether to return the spatial or the scRNA-seq dataset. force_download Whether to force-download the data. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object. """ path, _ = os.path.splitext(path) if spatial: return _load_dataset_from_url( path + "_sp.h5ad", backup_url="", expected_shape=(3039, 82), force_download=force_download, **kwargs, ) return _load_dataset_from_url( path + "_sc.h5ad", backup_url="", expected_shape=(1297, 2000), force_download=force_download, **kwargs, )
[docs] def c_elegans( path: PathLike = "~/.cache/moscot/c_elegans.h5ad", force_download: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[AnnData, nx.DiGraph]: # pragma: no cover """scRNA-seq time-series dataset of C.elegans embryogenesis :cite:`packer:19`. Contains raw counts of 46,151 cells with at least partial lineage information. In addition, this downloads the known C. elegans lineage tree. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the file. force_download Whether to force-download the data. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object and the lineage tree. """ adata = _load_dataset_from_url( path, backup_url="", expected_shape=(46151, 20222), force_download=force_download, **kwargs, ) with urllib.request.urlopen("") as fin: tree = nx.read_gml(fin) return adata, tree
[docs] def zebrafish( path: PathLike = "~/.cache/moscot/zebrafish.h5ad", force_download: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[AnnData, Dict[str, nx.DiGraph]]: """Lineage-traced scRNA-seq time-series dataset of Zebrafish heart regeneration :cite:`hu:22`. Contains gene expression vectors, LINNAEUS :cite:`spanjaard:18` reconstructed lineage trees, a low-dimensional embedding, and additional metadata. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the file. force_download Whether to force-download the data. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object and the lineage trees. """ adata = _load_dataset_from_url( path, backup_url="", expected_shape=(44014, 31466), force_download=force_download, **kwargs, ) # TODO(michalk8): also cache or store in AnnData ad Newick + reconstruct? with urllib.request.urlopen("") as fin: trees = pickle.load(fin) return adata, trees
[docs] def bone_marrow( path: PathLike = "~/.cache/moscot/bone_marrow.h5ad", *, rna: bool, force_download: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: """Multiome data of bone marrow measurements :cite:`luecken:21`. Contains processed counts of 6,224 cells. The RNA data was filtered to 2,000 top highly variable genes, the ATAC data was filtered to 8,000 top highly variable peaks. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the file. rna Return the RNA data If :obj:`True`, otherwise return ATAC data. force_download Whether to force-download the data. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object. """ path, _ = os.path.splitext(path) if rna: return _load_dataset_from_url( path + "_rna.h5ad", backup_url="", expected_shape=(6224, 2000), force_download=force_download, **kwargs, ) return _load_dataset_from_url( path + "_atac.h5ad", backup_url="", expected_shape=(6224, 8000), force_download=force_download, **kwargs, )
[docs] def tedsim( path: PathLike = "~/.cache/moscot/tedsim.h5ad", force_download: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: # pragma: no cover """Dataset simulated with TedSim :cite:`pan:22`. Simulated scRNA-seq dataset of a differentiation trajectory. For each cell, the dataset includes a (raw counts) gene expression vector as well as a lineage barcodes. The data was simulated with asymmetric division rate of :math:`0.2`, intermediate state step size of :math:`0.2` and contains the following fields: - :attr:`obsm['barcodes'] <anndata.AnnData.obsm>` - barcodes. - :attr:`obsp['cost_matrices'] <anndata.AnnData.obsp>` - precomputed lineage cost matrices. - :attr:`uns['tree'] <anndata.AnnData.uns>` - lineage tree in the `Newick format <>`_. - :attr:`uns['couplings' ] <anndata.AnnData.uns>` - coupling matrix based on the ground-truth lineage tree. Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the file. force_download Whether to force-download the data. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object. """ return _load_dataset_from_url( path, backup_url="", expected_shape=(8448, 500), force_download=force_download, **kwargs, )
[docs] def sciplex( path: PathLike = "~/.cache/moscot/sciplex.h5ad", force_download: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: # pragma: no cover """Perturbation dataset published in :cite:`srivatsan:20`. Transcriptomes of A549, K562, and mCF7 cells exposed to 188 compounds. Data obtained from Parameters ---------- path Path where to save the file. force_download Whether to force-download the data. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object. """ return _load_dataset_from_url( path, backup_url="", expected_shape=(799317, 110984), force_download=force_download, **kwargs, )
[docs] def sim_align( path: PathLike = "~/.cache/moscot/sim_align.h5ad", force_download: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: # pragma: no cover """Spatial transcriptomics simulated dataset as described in :cite:`Jones-spatial:22`. Parameters ---------- path Location where the file is saved to. force_download Whether to force-download the data. kwargs Keyword arguments for :func:``. Returns ------- Annotated data object. """ return _load_dataset_from_url( path, backup_url="", expected_shape=(1200, 500), force_download=force_download, **kwargs, )
[docs] def simulate_data( n_distributions: int = 2, cells_per_distribution: int = 20, n_genes: int = 60, key: Literal["day", "batch"] = "batch", var: float = 1.0, obs_to_add: Mapping[str, Any] = MappingProxyType({"celltype": 3}), marginals: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, seed: int = 0, quad_term: Optional[Literal["tree", "barcode", "spatial"]] = None, lin_cost_matrix: Optional[str] = None, quad_cost_matrix: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: """Simulate data. This function is used to generate data, mainly for the purpose of demonstrating certain functionalities of :mod:`moscot`. Parameters ---------- n_distributions Number of distributions defined by `key`. cells_per_distribution Number of cells per distribution. n_genes Number of genes per simulated cell. key Key to identify distribution allocation. var Variance of one cell distribution obs_to_add Dictionary of names to add to columns of :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs` and number of different values for this column. marginals Column names of :attr:`anndata.AnnData.obs` where to save the randomly generated marginals. If `None`, no marginals are generated. seed Random seed. quad_term Literal indicating whether to add costs corresponding to a specific problem setting. If `None`, no quadratic cost element is generated. lin_cost_matrix Key where to save the linear cost matrix. It is generated according to the pairwise policy. If `None`, no linear cost matrix is generated. quad_cost_matrix Key where to save the quadratic cost matrices. If `None`, no quadratic cost matrix is generated. Returns ------- :class:`anndata.AnnData`. """ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed) adatas = [ AnnData( X=rng.multivariate_normal( mean=kwargs.pop("mean", np.arange(n_genes)), cov=kwargs.pop("cov", var * np.diag(np.ones(n_genes))), size=cells_per_distribution, ), ) for _ in range(n_distributions) ] adata = ad.concat(adatas, label=key, index_unique="-") if key == "day": adata.obs["day"] = pd.to_numeric(adata.obs["day"]).astype("category") for k, val in obs_to_add.items(): adata.obs[k] = rng.choice(range(val), len(adata)) if marginals: adata.obs[marginals[0]] = rng.uniform(1e-5, 1, len(adata)) adata.obs[marginals[1]] = rng.uniform(1e-5, 1, len(adata)) if quad_term == "tree": adata.uns["trees"] = {} for i in range(n_distributions): adata.uns["trees"][i] = _get_random_trees( n_leaves=cells_per_distribution, n_trees=1, n_initial_nodes=kwargs.pop("n_initial_nodes", 5), leaf_names=[adata[adata.obs[key] == i].obs_names], # TODO(michalk8): fix the seed seed=seed, )[0] if quad_term == "spatial": dim = kwargs.pop("spatial_dim", 2) adata.obsm["spatial"] = rng.normal(size=(adata.n_obs, dim)) if quad_term == "barcode": n_intBCs = kwargs.pop("n_intBCs", 20) barcode_dim = kwargs.pop("barcode_dim", 10) adata.obsm["barcode"] = rng.choice(n_intBCs, size=(adata.n_obs, barcode_dim)) if lin_cost_matrix is not None: adata.uns[lin_cost_matrix] = {} for i, j in combinations(range(n_distributions), 2): adata.uns[lin_cost_matrix][(str(i), str(j))] = np.abs( rng.normal(size=(cells_per_distribution, cells_per_distribution)) ) if quad_cost_matrix is not None: quad_costs = [ (np.abs(rng.normal(size=(cells_per_distribution, cells_per_distribution)))) for i in range(n_distributions) ] quad_cm = block_diag(*quad_costs) np.fill_diagonal(quad_cm, 0) adata.obsp[quad_cost_matrix] = quad_cm return adata
def _load_dataset_from_url( fpath: PathLike, *, backup_url: str, expected_shape: Tuple[int, int], force_download: bool = False, sparse: bool = True, cache: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> AnnData: fpath = os.path.expanduser(fpath) if not fpath.endswith(".h5ad"): fpath += ".h5ad" if force_download: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: tmp = pathlib.Path(tmpdir) / "data.h5ad" adata = read(filename=tmp, backup_url=backup_url, sparse=sparse, cache=cache, **kwargs) with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.remove(fpath) shutil.move(tmp, fpath) else: adata = read(filename=fpath, backup_url=backup_url, sparse=sparse, cache=cache, **kwargs) if adata.shape != expected_shape: raise ValueError(f"Expected `AnnData` object to have shape `{expected_shape}`, found `{adata.shape}`.") return adata def _get_random_trees( n_leaves: int, n_trees: int, n_initial_nodes: int = 50, leaf_names: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None, seed: int = 42 ) -> List[nx.DiGraph]: rng = np.random.RandomState(42) if leaf_names is not None: assert len(leaf_names) == n_trees for i in range(n_trees): assert len(leaf_names[i]) == n_leaves trees = [] for tree_idx in range(n_trees): G = nx.random_tree(n_initial_nodes, seed=seed, create_using=nx.DiGraph) leaves = [x for x in G.nodes() if G.out_degree(x) == 0 and G.in_degree(x) == 1] inner_nodes = list(set(G.nodes()) - set(leaves)) leaves_updated = leaves.copy() for i in range(n_leaves - len(leaves)): G.add_node(n_initial_nodes + i) G.add_edge(rng.choice(inner_nodes, 1)[0], n_initial_nodes + i) leaves_updated.append(n_initial_nodes + i) assert len(leaves_updated) == n_leaves if leaf_names is not None: relabel_dict = {leaves_updated[i]: leaf_names[tree_idx][i] for i in range(len(leaves_updated))} G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, relabel_dict) trees.append(G) return trees