Source code for moscot.problems.spatiotemporal._spatio_temporal

import types
from typing import Any, Literal, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union

from ott.geometry import epsilon_scheduler

from anndata import AnnData

from moscot import _constants
from moscot._types import (
from moscot.base.problems.birth_death import BirthDeathMixin, BirthDeathProblem
from moscot.base.problems.compound_problem import B, Callback_t
from import AlignmentProblem, SpatialAlignmentMixin
from moscot.problems.time import TemporalMixin

__all__ = ["SpatioTemporalProblem"]

[docs] class SpatioTemporalProblem( # type: ignore[misc] TemporalMixin[Numeric_t, BirthDeathProblem], BirthDeathMixin, AlignmentProblem[Numeric_t, BirthDeathProblem], SpatialAlignmentMixin[Numeric_t, BirthDeathProblem], ): """Class for analyzing time series spatial single-cell data. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object. kwargs Keyword arguments for :class:`~moscot.base.problems.CompoundProblem`. """ def __init__(self, adata: AnnData, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(adata, **kwargs)
[docs] def prepare( self, time_key: str, spatial_key: str = "spatial", joint_attr: Optional[Union[str, Mapping[str, Any]]] = None, normalize_spatial: bool = True, policy: Literal["sequential", "triu", "tril", "explicit"] = "sequential", cost: OttCostFnMap_t = "sq_euclidean", cost_kwargs: CostKwargs_t = types.MappingProxyType({}), a: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None, b: Optional[Union[bool, str]] = None, marginal_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = types.MappingProxyType({}), subset: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[Numeric_t, Numeric_t]]] = None, xy_callback: Optional[Union[Literal["local-pca"], Callback_t]] = None, x_callback: Optional[Union[Literal["local-pca"], Callback_t]] = None, y_callback: Optional[Union[Literal["local-pca"], Callback_t]] = None, xy_callback_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = types.MappingProxyType({}), x_callback_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = types.MappingProxyType({}), y_callback_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = types.MappingProxyType({}), ) -> "SpatioTemporalProblem": """Prepare the spatiotemporal problem problem. .. seealso:: - See :doc:`../../notebooks/tutorials/500_spatiotemporal` on how to prepare and solve the :class:`~moscot.problems.spatiotemporal.SpatioTemporalProblem`. - See :doc:`../../notebooks/examples/problems/800_score_genes_for_marginals` on how to :meth:`score genes for proliferation and apoptosis <score_genes_for_marginals>`. Parameters ---------- time_key Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where the time points are stored. spatial_key Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obsm` where the spatial coordinates are stored. joint_attr How to get the data for the :term:`linear term` in the :term:`fused <fused Gromov-Wasserstein>` case: - :obj:`None` - `PCA <>`_ on :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.X` is computed. - :class:`str` - key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obsm` where the data is stored. - :class:`dict` - it should contain ``'attr'`` and ``'key'``, the attribute and key in :class:`~anndata.AnnData`, and optionally ``'tag'`` from the :class:`tags <moscot.utils.tagged_array.Tag>`. By default, :attr:`tag = 'point_cloud' <moscot.utils.tagged_array.Tag.POINT_CLOUD>` is used. normalize_spatial Whether to normalize the spatial coordinates. If :obj:`True`, the coordinates are normalized by standardizing them. policy Rule which defines how to construct the subproblems using :attr:`obs['{time_key}'] <anndata.AnnData.obs>`. Valid options are: - ``'sequential'`` - align subsequent time points ``[(t0, t1), (t1, t2), ...]``. - ``'triu'`` - upper triangular matrix ``[(t0, t1), (t0, t2), ..., (t1, t2), ...]``. - ``'tril'`` - lower triangular matrix ``[(t_n, t_n-1), (t_n, t0), ..., (t_n-1, t_n-2), ...]``. - ``'explicit'`` - explicit sequence of subsets passed via ``subset = [(b3, b0), ...]``. cost Cost function to use. Valid options are: - :class:`str` - name of the cost function for all terms, see :func:`~moscot.costs.get_available_costs`. - :class:`dict` - a dictionary with the following keys and values: - ``'xy'`` - cost function for the :term:`linear term`. - ``'x'`` - cost function for the source :term:`quadratic term`. - ``'y'`` - cost function for the target :term:`quadratic term`. cost_kwargs Keyword arguments for the :class:`~moscot.base.cost.BaseCost` or any backend-specific cost. a Source :term:`marginals`. Valid options are: - :class:`str` - key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where the source marginals are stored. - :class:`bool` - if :obj:`True`, :meth:`estimate the marginals <moscot.base.problems.BirthDeathProblem.estimate_marginals>`, otherwise use uniform marginals. - :obj:`None` - set to :obj:`True` if :attr:`proliferation_key` or :attr:`apoptosis_key` is not :obj:`None`. b Target :term:`marginals`. Valid options are: - :class:`str` - key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where the target marginals are stored. - :class:`bool` - if :obj:`True`, :meth:`estimate the marginals <moscot.base.problems.BirthDeathProblem.estimate_marginals>`, otherwise use uniform marginals. - :obj:`None` - set to :obj:`True` if :attr:`proliferation_key` or :attr:`apoptosis_key` is not :obj:`None`. marginal_kwargs Keyword arguments for :meth:`~moscot.base.problems.BirthDeathProblem.estimate_marginals`. It always contains :attr:`proliferation_key` and :attr:`apoptosis_key`, see :meth:`score_genes_for_marginals` for more information. Returns ------- Returns self and updates the following fields: - :attr:`problems` - the prepared subproblems. - :attr:`solutions` - set to an empty :class:`dict`. - :attr:`spatial_key` - key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obsm` where spatial coordinates are stored. - :attr:`temporal_key` - key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where time points are stored. - :attr:`stage` - set to ``'prepared'``. - :attr:`problem_kind` - set to ``'quadratic'``. """ # spatial key set in AlignmentProblem # handle_joint_attr and handle_cost in AlignmentProblem self.temporal_key = time_key marginal_kwargs = dict(marginal_kwargs) estimate_marginals = self.proliferation_key is not None or self.apoptosis_key is not None a = estimate_marginals if a is None else a b = estimate_marginals if b is None else b if self.apoptosis_key is not None: marginal_kwargs["apoptosis_key"] = self.apoptosis_key if self.proliferation_key is not None: marginal_kwargs["proliferation_key"] = self.proliferation_key return super().prepare( # type: ignore[return-value] spatial_key=spatial_key, batch_key=time_key, joint_attr=joint_attr, normalize_spatial=normalize_spatial, policy=policy, # type: ignore[arg-type] reference=None, cost=cost, cost_kwargs=cost_kwargs, a=a, b=b, marginal_kwargs=marginal_kwargs, subset=subset, x_callback=x_callback, y_callback=y_callback, xy_callback=xy_callback, x_callback_kwargs=x_callback_kwargs, y_callback_kwargs=y_callback_kwargs, xy_callback_kwargs=xy_callback_kwargs, )
[docs] def solve( self, alpha: float = 0.5, epsilon: Union[float, epsilon_scheduler.Epsilon] = 1e-3, tau_a: float = 1.0, tau_b: float = 1.0, rank: int = -1, scale_cost: ScaleCost_t = "mean", batch_size: Optional[int] = None, stage: Union[ProblemStage_t, Tuple[ProblemStage_t, ...]] = ("prepared", "solved"), initializer: QuadInitializer_t = None, initializer_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = types.MappingProxyType({}), jit: bool = True, min_iterations: Optional[int] = None, max_iterations: Optional[int] = None, threshold: float = 1e-3, linear_solver_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = types.MappingProxyType({}), device: Optional[Literal["cpu", "gpu", "tpu"]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> "SpatioTemporalProblem": r"""Solve the spatiotemporal problem. .. seealso:: - See :doc:`../../notebooks/tutorials/500_spatiotemporal` on how to prepare and solve the :class:`~moscot.problems.spatiotemporal.SpatioTemporalProblem`. Parameters ---------- alpha Parameter in :math:`(0, 1]` that interpolates between the :term:`quadratic term` and the :term:`linear term`. :math:`\alpha = 1` corresponds to the pure :term:`Gromov-Wasserstein` problem while :math:`\alpha \to 0` corresponds to the pure :term:`linear problem`. epsilon :term:`Entropic regularization`. tau_a Parameter in :math:`(0, 1]` that defines how much :term:`unbalanced <unbalanced OT problem>` is the problem on the source :term:`marginals`. If :math:`1`, the problem is :term:`balanced <balanced OT problem>`. tau_b Parameter in :math:`(0, 1]` that defines how much :term:`unbalanced <unbalanced OT problem>` is the problem on the target :term:`marginals`. If :math:`1`, the problem is :term:`balanced <balanced OT problem>`. rank Rank of the :term:`low-rank OT` solver :cite:`scetbon:21b`. If :math:`-1`, full-rank solver :cite:`peyre:2016` is used. scale_cost How to re-scale the cost matrices. If a :class:`float`, the cost matrices will be re-scaled as :math:`\frac{\text{cost}}{\text{scale_cost}}`. batch_size Number of rows/columns of the cost matrix to materialize during the solver iterations. Larger value will require more memory. stage Stage by which to filter the :attr:`problems` to be solved. initializer How to initialize the solution. If :obj:`None`, ``'default'`` will be used for a full-rank solver and ``'rank2'`` for a low-rank solver. initializer_kwargs Keyword arguments for the ``initializer``. jit Whether to :func:`~jax.jit` the underlying :mod:`ott` solver. min_iterations Minimum number of :term:`(fused) GW <Gromov-Wasserstein>` iterations. max_iterations Maximum number of :term:`(fused) GW <Gromov-Wasserstein>` iterations. threshold Convergence threshold of the :term:`GW <Gromov-Wasserstein>` solver. linear_solver_kwargs Keyword arguments for the inner :term:`linear problem` solver. device Transfer the solution to a different device, see :meth:``. If :obj:`None`, keep the output on the original device. kwargs Keyword arguments for :meth:``. Returns ------- Returns self and updates the following fields: - :attr:`solutions` - the :term:`OT` solutions for each subproblem. - :attr:`stage` - set to ``'solved'``. """ # TODO(michalk8): use locals (and in other places) return super().solve( # type: ignore[return-value] alpha=alpha, epsilon=epsilon, tau_a=tau_a, tau_b=tau_b, rank=rank, scale_cost=scale_cost, batch_size=batch_size, stage=stage, initializer=initializer, initializer_kwargs=initializer_kwargs, jit=jit, min_iterations=min_iterations, max_iterations=max_iterations, threshold=threshold, linear_solver_kwargs=linear_solver_kwargs, device=device, **kwargs, )
@property def _valid_policies(self) -> Tuple[Policy_t, ...]: return ( _constants.SEQUENTIAL, _constants.TRIL, _constants.TRIU, _constants.EXPLICIT, ) # type: ignore[return-value] @property def _base_problem_type(self) -> Type[B]: return BirthDeathProblem # type: ignore[return-value]