Source code for moscot.utils.subset_policy

import abc
import contextlib
import itertools
import operator
from typing import (

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from anndata import AnnData

from moscot import _constants
from moscot._types import ArrayLike, Policy_t

__all__ = [

K = TypeVar("K", bound=Hashable)

class FormatterMixin(abc.ABC):
    def _format(self, value: Any, *, is_source: bool) -> Any:

[docs] class SubsetPolicy(Generic[K], abc.ABC): r"""Base policy class. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object or a categorical data. key Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where the categorical data is stored. verify_integrity Whether to check that the data has :math:`\ge 2` categories. Examples -------- - See :doc:`../notebooks/examples/problems/400_subset_policy` on how to use different policies. """ def __init__( self, adata: Union[AnnData, pd.Series, pd.Categorical], key: Optional[str] = None, verify_integrity: bool = True, ): try: self._data = pd.Series(adata.obs[key]) if isinstance(adata, AnnData) else adata except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"Unable to find data in `adata.obs[{key!r}]`.") from None self._data = self._data.astype("category") # TODO(@MUCDK): catch conversion error self._graph: Set[Tuple[K, K]] = set() self._cat = tuple( self._subset_key: Optional[str] = key if verify_integrity and len(self._cat) < 2: raise ValueError( f"Policy must contain at least `2` different values, found `{len(self._cat)}`.\n" "Is it possible that there is only one `batch` in `batch_key`?" ) @abc.abstractmethod def _create_graph(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Set[Tuple[K, K]]: """Create a policy graph.""" @abc.abstractmethod def _plan(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Sequence[Tuple[K, K]]: """Compute a sequence of steps based on the policy graph."""
[docs] def create_graph(self, **kwargs: Any) -> "SubsetPolicy[K]": """Create a policy graph. Parameters ---------- kwargs Keyword arguments. Returns ------- Return self. """ graph = self._create_graph(**kwargs) if not len(graph): raise ValueError("The policy graph is empty.") self._graph = graph return self
[docs] def plan( self, filter: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[K, K]]] = None, # noqa: A002 explicit_steps: Optional[Sequence[Tuple[K, K]]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Sequence[Tuple[K, K]]: """Compute a sequence of steps based on the policy graph. Useful when calling :meth:`create_masks`. Parameters ---------- filter Steps to exclude. If :obj:`None`, keep all the steps. explicit_steps Precomputed sequence of steps to use. kwargs Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- Sequence of steps. """ if explicit_steps is not None: G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_edges_from(explicit_steps) if not set(G.nodes).issubset(self._cat): raise ValueError( f"Explicitly specified steps `{set(explicit_steps)}` must be a subset of `{self._cat}`." ) src = explicit_steps[0][0] tgt = explicit_steps[-1][1] if not nx.has_path(G, src, tgt): raise ValueError(f"Explicitly specified steps do not form a connected path from `{src}` to `{tgt}`.") return explicit_steps plan = self._plan(**kwargs) # TODO(michalk8): ensure unique if filter is not None: plan = self._filter_plan(plan, filter=filter) if not len(plan): raise ValueError("Unable to create a plan, no steps were selected after filtering.") return plan
def _filter_plan( self, plan: Sequence[Tuple[K, K]], filter: Sequence[Tuple[K, K]] # noqa: A002 ) -> Sequence[Tuple[K, K]]: return [step for step in plan if step in filter]
[docs] def create_mask(self, value: Union[K, Sequence[K]], *, allow_empty: bool = False) -> ArrayLike: """Create a mask used to subset the data. Parameters ---------- value Values in the data which determine the mask. allow_empty Whether to allow empty mask. Returns ------- Boolean mask of the same shape as the data. """ if isinstance(value, str) or not isinstance(value, Iterable): mask = self._data == value else: mask = self._data.isin(value) if not allow_empty and not np.sum(mask): raise ValueError("Unable to construct an empty mask, use `allow_empty=True` to override.") return np.asarray(mask)
[docs] def create_masks(self, discard_empty: bool = True) -> Dict[Tuple[K, K], Tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike]]: """Create masks based on the policy graph. Parameters ---------- discard_empty Whether to remove empty masks. Returns ------- Masks for each edge in the policy graph. """ res = {} for a, b in self._graph: try: mask_a = self.create_mask(a, allow_empty=not discard_empty) mask_b = self.create_mask(b, allow_empty=not discard_empty) res[a, b] = mask_a, mask_b except ValueError as e: if "Unable to construct an empty mask" not in str(e): raise if not res: # can only happen when `discard_empty=True` raise ValueError("All empty masks were discarded.") return res
[docs] def add_node(self, node: Tuple[K, K], only_existing: bool = False) -> "SubsetPolicy[K]": """Add a node to the policy graph. Parameters ---------- node Node to add. only_existing Whether to allow creating new nodes or only connect existing ones. Returns ------- Remove the ``node``, if present and return self. """ src, tgt = node if src == tgt: raise ValueError(f"Unable to add `{src, tgt}` node, self connections are disallowed.") if only_existing and (src not in self._cat or tgt not in self._cat): raise ValueError( f"Unable to add `{src}` or `{tgt}` node(s) that are not already present " f"in the policy graph, use `only_existing=False` to override." ) self._graph.add(node) return self
[docs] def remove_node(self, node: Tuple[K, K]) -> "SubsetPolicy[K]": """Remove a node from the policy graph. Parameters ---------- node Node to remove. Returns ------- Remove the ``node``, if present and return self. """ with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): self._graph.remove(node) return self
@property def key(self) -> Optional[str]: """Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` defining the policy.""" return self._subset_key
[docs] class OrderedPolicy(SubsetPolicy[K], abc.ABC): """Base ordered policy. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object or an ordered categorical data. kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """ def _plan( self, forward: bool = True, start: Optional[K] = None, end: Optional[K] = None, **_: Any ) -> Sequence[Tuple[K, K]]: if self._graph is None: raise RuntimeError("Construct the policy graph first.") if start is None and end is None: start, end = self._cat[0], self._cat[-1] if start is None: start = self._cat[0] if end is None: end = self._cat[-1] # TODO: add Graph for undirected G = nx.DiGraph() G.add_edges_from(self._graph) if start == end: raise ValueError(f"Start node `{start}` is the same as the end node `{end}`.") if start is None or end is None: raise ValueError("Both start and end node are `None`.") path = nx.shortest_path(G, start, end) path = list(zip(path[:-1], path[1:])) return path if forward else path[::-1]
[docs] def reverse(self) -> "OrderedPolicy[K]": """Reverse the policy.""" cats = data = return type(self)(data, key=self.key, verify_integrity=False)
class SimplePlanPolicy(SubsetPolicy[K], abc.ABC): """Policy whose plan is just the underlying policy graph.""" def _plan(self, **_: Any) -> Sequence[Tuple[K, K]]: return list(self._graph)
[docs] class StarPolicy(SimplePlanPolicy[K]): r"""Policy with a star topology. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object or a categorical data. key Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where the categorical data is stored. verify_integrity Whether to check that the data has :math:`\ge 2` categories. """ def _create_graph(self, reference: K, **kwargs: Any) -> Set[Tuple[K, K]]: # type: ignore[override] if reference not in self._cat: raise ValueError(f"Reference `{reference}` is not in valid nodes: `{self._cat}`.") return {(c, reference) for c in self._cat if c != reference} def _filter_plan( self, plan: Sequence[Tuple[K, K]], filter: Sequence[Union[K, Tuple[K, K]]] # noqa: A002 ) -> Sequence[Tuple[K, K]]: filter = [src[0] if isinstance(src, tuple) else src for src in filter] # noqa: A001 return [(src, ref) for src, ref in plan if src in filter]
[docs] def add_node(self, node: Union[K, Tuple[K, K]], only_existing: bool = False) -> "StarPolicy[K]": if not isinstance(node, tuple): node = (node, self.reference) return super().add_node(node, only_existing=only_existing) # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def remove_node(self, node: Union[K, Tuple[K, K]]) -> "StarPolicy[K]": if not isinstance(node, tuple): node = (node, self.reference) return super().remove_node(node) # type: ignore[return-value]
@property def reference(self) -> K: """Central node.""" for _, ref in self._graph: return ref raise ValueError("Graph is empty.")
[docs] class ExternalStarPolicy(FormatterMixin, StarPolicy[K]): """Policy with star topology and external central node. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object. tgt_name Name of the central node. kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """ _SENTINEL = object() def __init__(self, adata: Union[AnnData, pd.Series, pd.Categorical], tgt_name: K = "ref", **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(adata, **kwargs) self._tgt_name = tgt_name def _format(self, value: K, *, is_source: bool) -> K: if is_source: return value if value is self._SENTINEL: return self._tgt_name raise ValueError(f"Expected value to be `{self._SENTINEL}`, found `{value}`.") def _create_graph(self, **_: Any) -> Set[Tuple[K, object]]: # type: ignore[override] return {(c, self._SENTINEL) for c in self._cat if c != self._SENTINEL} def _plan(self, **_: Any) -> Sequence[Tuple[K, K]]: return [(src, self._format(tgt, is_source=False)) for (src, tgt) in self._graph]
[docs] def add_node(self, node: Union[K, Tuple[K, K]], only_existing: bool = False) -> "ExternalStarPolicy[K]": if isinstance(node, tuple): _, tgt = node # TODO(michalk8): tgt can be undefined if tgt is self._tgt_name: return self return super().add_node(node, only_existing=only_existing) # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def create_masks(self, discard_empty: bool = True) -> Dict[Tuple[K, K], Tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike]]: del discard_empty return super().create_masks(discard_empty=False)
[docs] class SequentialPolicy(OrderedPolicy[K]): """Policy which connects immediate successors. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object. upper Whether to use subsequent nodes instead of the preceding ones. kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """ def _create_graph(self, *_: Any, **__: Any) -> Set[Tuple[K, K]]: return set(zip(self._cat[:-1], self._cat[1:]))
[docs] class TriangularPolicy(OrderedPolicy[K]): """Policy which connects all preceding/subsequent nodes. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object. upper Whether to use subsequent nodes instead of the preceding ones. kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """ def __init__(self, adata: Union[AnnData, pd.Series, pd.Categorical], upper: bool = True, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(adata, **kwargs) self._comparator = if upper else def _create_graph(self, **__: Any) -> Set[Tuple[K, K]]: return {(a, b) for a, b in itertools.product(self._cat, self._cat) if self._comparator(a, b)}
[docs] class ExplicitPolicy(SimplePlanPolicy[K]): r"""Explicitly specified policy. The policy graph is passed directly in :meth:`create_graph`. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object or a categorical data. key Key in :attr:`~anndata.AnnData.obs` where the categorical data is stored. verify_integrity Whether to check that the data has :math:`\ge 2` categories. """ def _create_graph(self, subset: Sequence[Tuple[K, K]], **_: Any) -> Set[Tuple[K, K]]: # type: ignore[override] if subset is None: raise ValueError("No steps specifying the explicit policy.") return set(subset) # pass-through, all checks are done later
class DummyPolicy(FormatterMixin, SubsetPolicy[str]): """Policy TODO. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data object or a categorical data. src_name TODO. tgt_name TODO. kwargs Additional keyword arguments. """ _SENTINEL = object() def __init__( self, adata: Union[AnnData, pd.Series, pd.Categorical], src_name: Literal["src"] = "src", tgt_name: Literal["tgt"] = "tgt", **kwargs: Any, ): super().__init__(pd.Series([self._SENTINEL] * len(adata)), verify_integrity=False, **kwargs) self._cat = (src_name, tgt_name) self._src_name = src_name self._tgt_name = tgt_name def _create_graph(self, **__: Any) -> Set[Tuple[object, object]]: # type: ignore[override] return {(self._SENTINEL, self._SENTINEL)} def _plan(self, **_: Any) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: return [(self._src_name, self._tgt_name)] def _format(self, _: Any, *, is_source: bool) -> str: return self._src_name if is_source else self._tgt_name def _filter_plan( self, plan: Sequence[Tuple[K, K]], filter: Sequence[Tuple[K, K]] # noqa: A002 ) -> Sequence[Tuple[K, K]]: return plan # TODO(michalk8): in the future, use Registry def create_policy( kind: Policy_t, adata: Union[AnnData, pd.Series, pd.Categorical], **kwargs: Any, ) -> SubsetPolicy[K]: """Create a policy. Parameters ---------- kind What policy to create. adata Annotated data object. kwargs Additional keyword arguments. Returns ------- The policy. Notes ----- - See :doc:`../notebooks/examples/problems/400_subset_policy` on how to use different policies. """ if kind == _constants.SEQUENTIAL: return SequentialPolicy(adata, **kwargs) if kind == _constants.STAR: return StarPolicy(adata, **kwargs) if kind == _constants.EXTERNAL_STAR: return ExternalStarPolicy(adata, **kwargs) if kind == _constants.TRIU: return TriangularPolicy(adata, **kwargs, upper=True) if kind == _constants.TRIL: return TriangularPolicy(adata, **kwargs, upper=False) if kind == _constants.EXPLICIT: return ExplicitPolicy(adata, **kwargs) raise NotImplementedError(f"Policy `{kind}` is not yet implemented.")